Our well-established and experienced team provides versatile fitness services. Our trainers always stay engaged with 100% affection toward to their jobs.
We focus on a healthy lifestyle and commit to help clients to reach their fitness goals.

Gain muscle

Weight loss

Improve physical fitness

Improve athletic performance

Prevent injury

Improve body posture

Understanding exercise performance

Create the ideal body shape

Real Story

荃灣大河道100號海之戀商場三樓3048 - 3066號舖
Shop 3048-3066, 3/F OP Mall,
100 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan

Phone: 3915 3000

香港太古灣道 14 號太古城中心 3 期地下
G/F, Cityplaza 3, 14 Tai Koo Wan Road, Hong Kong

Phone: 2782 1000

紅磡德豐街18-22 號海濱廣場一座
11樓1108室 和26 樓 2607-2608室
1108 & 2607-2608, 11/F & 26/F, One Harbourfront,
18 Tak Fung Street, Hung Hom
Phone: 6237 4000

尖沙咀柯士甸道 126 號帝寶樓 1 樓
1/F, Sovereign Mansion,
126 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

Phone: 6236 4000

荃灣沙咀道 364 號萬象工業大廈 17 樓 5 室
Room 05, 17/F, Bonsun Industrial Building,
364 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan

Phone: 6844 8000